
Campus Parking

Parking and Travel Resources

Welcome to the University of Hartford. Below is information you will want to know about parking on UHart's campus.

Permit Details

Parking permits are required by the first day of class or as soon as the vehicle arrives on campus and are available online beginning August 1. There is no grace period.

  • All students, faculty, staff (part time and full time), and contract workers and dining services staff are required to secure a parking permit.
  • All motorized vehicles including scooters, motorcycles, and electric vehicles must have a valid parking permit displayed at all times while on campus.
  • Parking permits are “virtual.” You will not be issued a permit decal.
  • Students, faculty and staff should pick up a vehicle sticker for their windshield. The sticker is not a parking permit, but allows easy access entering campus. The sticker should be picked up at Public Safety.
  • A photo ID must be shown to the officer at the main gate when entering campus.

Parking Web Portal

Parking permits should be requested using the Parking Services Web Portal. You can follow the steps below to obtain your permit.

  • Login to the parking website using your University credentials (email address without the and email password)
  • Select "Request Parking Permits” and complete the form
    • The parking fee can be paid online with a card or you can add the fee to your bill.
  • Your vehicle(s) will be registered once you successfully request a parking permit online.
  • It is very important that you enter the correct vehicle information and license plate number when requesting a permit or you may receive a ticket. Please double check your vehicle information carefully before requesting a parking permit.

Student Lots

  • Sample parking map
    University Map
    Resident students may park, on a space available basis, in unrestricted spaces in any of the following lots:
    • C lot
    • D lot - yellow painted non-reserved spaces only
    • E lot
    • N lot
    • Lots between the Village Apartments
  • Commuter students may park in unrestricted spaces in the following lots:
    • A Annex Lot (small dirt/gravel lot located between A Lot and the Watkinson School)
    • B lot
    • C lot
    • D lot - red painted spaces only  
    • F lot
    • K Commuter lot
  • There are no special parking provisions for students with chronic medical conditions. If you have a chronic medical condition that would not enable you to adhere to the current parking system, we encourage you to apply in your state for a state issued handicap parking permit. This permit, in conjunction with a University of Hartford parking permit, entitles you to park in any clearly marked state handicap parking space on campus.

Faculty and Staff Lots

  • Faculty and Staff parking locations are assigned by Public Safety. 

Vehicles found in violation may be ticketed and/or towed at the owner/operator’s expense. All vehicles parked on University of Hartford property must be registered with the Department of Public Safety before parking.

If you have any questions about parking, please contact the Department of Public Safety at 860.768.7985. The office is located adjacent to parking lot E and is open 24 hours each day.

Payment Options

All fees and outstanding citations must be paid in advance of issuing a permit. You may pay your outstanding bill through the Parking Services Web Portal.  If you have a balance due for outstanding citations, you must pay full price. Discounted pricing starts at 12:01 am on the date stated. When you make your request on line you are PURCHASING the permit at that time and date.

Student Permits

You may apply any parking permit fees to your Bursar Charge Account at time of the permit request in Self-Service. These transactions will be listed on your next billing statement and are subject to the same rules as other transactions on your account. Students may elect to pay online at the time of permit request in Self-Service using a major credit card, debit card, or electronic transfer (ECH).

At any time after the permit has been reserved and is on their Bursar account, students may select the Pay for Permit option from the parking services main menu in Self-Service to pay online with CashNet. Cash and paper check payments may also be made in person at SASC.

Faculty and Staff Permits

Faculty and staff permits must be paid in full online at time of your permit request. Due to COVID-19 concerns, Public Safety Parking Services would like all faculty and staff to purchase their parking online using CashNet. You may pay by electronic check, major credit card, or debit card. Lobby sales require cash or personal check in the exact amount. No change or credit will be issued.

Please note: University funds are not allowed by University Policy for payment of any personal Parking Services transactions. Procurement Services blocks all Pcard activity for any such transactions. All faculty/staff permits are non-refundable.

Expiration Dates

Parking permits for the new academic year go on sale in early August of each year. Your previous academic year permit expires on the date specified on the permit, or when you purchase a permit for the new academic year.

Call 860.768.7985 with any parking questions or consult Your Car on Campus (PDF).

Ready to purchase your parking permit? Go to the Parking Services Web Portal.

Permit Fees and Options

Permit Notes Fee Prorated On or after October 15 On or after December 15 On or after March 15 On or after May 15
Resident Main Campus – Full year
(Includes Summer Term)
Covers one active vehicle at any given time. $470.00 Yes $352.50 $235.00 $117.50 $45.00
Resident Main Campus – Fall Only Covers one active vehicle at any given time. $250.00 No        
Thanksgiving to Winter Break Main Campus Resident Valid November 15 to December 24. Covers one active vehicle at any given time.   No        
Faculty and Staff Parking Covers up to two active vehicles at any given time $25.00 Yes     *March 1st
Commuter – Full year (Includes Summer Term)
*Covers up to two active vehicles at any given time with purchase of additional decal for $1.00. $75.00 Yes   $45.00    
Commuter – Fall Only *Covers up to two active vehicles at any given time with purchase of additional decal for $1.00. $45.00 No        
ARAMARK & Contracted Services Covers up to two active vehicles at any given time $25.00 Yes     *March 1st

Temporary Parking Permit Options

Type Requirement Fees Consecutive Days Limit on number of days you can request in a year?
Resident or Commuter – Self-Use vehicle Does NOT have a valid parking permit. $3.00 per day Up to seven. No.
Resident Guest Parking Guest Is not a current Resident student $3.00 per day Up to three No.
Commuter Late Night Lab Stay Has to be authorized by program administrator or Dean Free *Current day and the next up to 07:00 am. No
Commuter Overnight 2 a.m. to 7:30 am REQUIRES that you already have an active Commuter parking permit or have a daily permit for the date you wish to add the overnight permission to park to. $2.00 per morning. ONLY valid for the extended hours of 2 am to 7:30 am on the date it is issued for. No.